Large Pores

Pores are hair follicle openings and serve as the escape route for sweats and other body toxins. Large or enlarged pores are due to overactive sebaceous gland that causes excess oil to settle around the pores, making the skin around them thickens, blocking them from shrinking back to their original pores size.


Step 1: 
Create nano channels on the skin to ensure penetration to deep skin layers and stimulate cell repair function.
Step 2:
Remove thickened miniscule skin cells, dead skin cells, sebum, blackheads, whiteheads etc at the pores.
Step 3:
Cell repair to regenerate collagen, elastin and fibroblast to grow back new skin cells with remodelled pore size.
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Remove impurities and hardened sebum in the pores, remodel and shrink pore size. Skin is smooth with reduced pore size after just one treatment.


Large Pores Shrinker Treatment