
Both dry and dehydrated skin involve damage in skin lipid barrier layer. Dry skin happens when there is a lack of oil whereas dehydrated skin is a lack of water. It can also due to external factors such as sun exposure, usage of harsh soaps or strong cosmetics, consumption of spicy or deep fried diet etc. All these factors may damage skin lipid barrier layer and cause skin to have high transepidermal water loss (TEWL). The lipid moisture balance of the skin is disrupted and causes excessive sebum excretion, resulting in clogged pores, breakouts, irritation, dry patches, and even wrinkles. Hence it is importance to keep skin constantly hydrated 



Step 1: 
Create nano channels on the skin to ensure penetration to deep skin layers and stimulate cell repair functions.
Step 2:
Remove dead skin cells, sebum, blackheads, whiteheads etc at the pores.
Step 3:
Infuse much needed hydration, repair damaged skin lipid barrier layer to patch up cracks that cause water loss and skin sensitivity.
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Immensely hydrate skin, reduce water loss, restore lipid moisture balance of the skin and reduce skin sensitivity. Skin appears hydrated, smooth, fair and clean after just one treatment.



Hydrating Booster Treatment