
A blackhead, medically-known as an open comedone, is a hair follicle or pore that’s clogged with a mixture of dead skin cells and sebum–an oily substance naturally secreted by your skin.While they might not be as inflamed as other types of acne, blackheads are just as annoying. But if you are tempted to squeeze and pop them out, you might make things worst whereby they might get inflamed and grow into full blown acne. At the same time, squeezing them will also cause larger pore size.


Step 1: 
Create nano channels on the skin to ensure penetration to deep skin layers and stimulate cell repair function.
Step 2:
Remove dead skin cells, sebum, blackheads, whiteheads, oil seeds etc at the pores.
Step 3:
Repair skin cells to improve lipid moisture balance, improve skin texture and reduce pore size, hydrate skin to control excessive sebum secretion.
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Remove blackheads, whiteheads, dead skin cells and oil seeds or milia. Clean clogged pores and skin becomes smooth and hydrated after just one treatment.


Blackheads Removal Treatment